Are Paint Fumes Bad if I’m Pregnant?

Joy and good news… there’s a baby on the way! Suddenly, there’s a flurry of activity, buying baby clothes, going to doctor’s visits, baby-proofing cupboards and outlets… and the list goes on. And then finally, when you know the baby’s gender (or even if you don’t), there’s the new baby’s room to paint. But wait! Are paint fumes bad for the baby? Can I paint inside if I’m pregnant? Don’t worry, you’re not the only one asking those questions!

If you plan to do the painting yourself, the main concern with painting during pregnancy is that you don’t want to fall. Use extreme caution, avoiding some of the typical do-it-yourself home-painting nonsense, like standing on a chair on the stairs. Frankly, if you’re significantly showing, you’re probably better off having someone else doing the painting, just because of the movements and positions involved. But that said, painting can be very safe when you are pregnant.

Because almost all interior paints are now latex/acrylic based, there are no known or proven risks to a child from paint fumes. Nevertheless, it is always good to be extra careful where health is concerned, especially during the period of vulnerability and growth in the womb. For that reason, if you are going to have fresh paint in the home during pregnancy, use low-VOC or no-VOC paints. These have virtually no odor, and release no harmful chemicals into the home atmosphere.

One thing you should definitely avoid while pregnant is scraping or sanding old paint. This is likely to contain lead, and it should be dealt with by a professional painting contractor certified in dealing with lead paint. If possible, open windows and doors when you have fresh paint, but if you can’t do this because of the weather, at least have a fan circulating the air.

Whether you have a baby on the way, or you have any other reason for performing interior painting, consider calling a residential painting company. A.G. Williams is a customer-focused, family-oriented painting contractor, and we will do our best to understand your needs and exceed your expectations.

A.G. Williams serves Hastings-on-the-Hudson, White Plains, Darien, Bedford, Bronxville, Cos Cob, New Canaan and the nearby communities of New York and Connecticut.

Read these tips if you are thinking about hiring a painting contractor.
