
Does Your Drywall Need Repair? And What Can a House Painter Do About It?

While some tasks demand our attention and don’t let us forget them (like an overflowing toilet, for example!), others tend to remain in the background, unnoticed. The state of our drywall would probably fall into the second category for most of us. Though it surrounds us every day, we usually don’t truly see it until…

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painting railing spindles interior

How to Paint Railing Spindles (If You Must!)

Painting railing spindles is a painter’s purgatory. Although famously tedious, this is nevertheless a project that many home owners need done in their home. Spindles (or balusters) are often painted white to update and brighten the look of a staircase or loft railing. The results can be stunning and beautiful. If you are planning to…

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Four Painting Projects to Help You Prepare for the Holidays

The leaves on the trees announce the news: summer has ended, and a new season begun! Swimming pools are covered, pencils sharpened, and the autumn and winter holidays are just around the corner. Here at A. G. Williams, we feel the chill in the air and know that the exterior painting season is drawing to…

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Three Delicious Paint Colors to Add Taste to Your Kitchen

Is your kitchen feeling a little bland? Maybe your food needs a little more salt, or more likely, your kitchen walls could use a new coat of paint! If your kitchen is in need of some new flavor, here are three delicious paint colors that you could consider: Sage Green or Celery Green Both sage…

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Will Your Exterior Paint Protect Your Home This Winter?

Whatever may be happening with climate change, the winters here in New York and Connecticut aren’t getting any milder. Some things about the coming months are unpredictable, but we know we can count on freezing temperatures, heavy winds, and plenty of ice, rain and snow. These forces can wreak havoc on our homes if they…

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What Is the Right Weather for Exterior Painting in Westchester and Fairfield Counties?

Few things in life work out as perfectly as we would like them to, and the weather is probably near the top of that “imperfect” list. Here in the regions of New York and Connecticut where we do exterior painting, we sometimes joke that there are only about 5 perfect painting days a year! Since…

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