
First Impressions: A Painter’s Perspective

They say that you only get one chance to make a first impression. What do you think? Does that expression hold true in business? In friendships? In romance? A good impression does not guarantee a high-dollar sale or a successful romance, but it can definitely get things started in the right direction! On the other…

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Choosing an Exterior Paint Color Scheme

The outside of your house should be a reflection of who you are, the first impression you make to visitors and neighbors.  However, choosing paint colors for your home exterior can be a challenge; if you make a bad choice, it will be very visible!  That’s why we’re offering a little bit of guidance here…

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replacing wood rot is a vital part of exterior paint maintenance

Exterior Maintenance: Right and Wrong Ways to Deal with Wood Rot

Here in the Northeast, most of our homes have exposed exterior wood, whether that be the siding, the fascia, the stairs, the deck, the window and door frames, or all of the above! Additionally, most of our homes are likely, at some point, to experience symptoms of wood rot. Wood rot can happen because of…

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Exterior Painting Checkup, and Other Spring Maintenance

After a long, cold winter here in New York and Connecticut, those of us who live here aren’t the only ones looking forward to spring and summer; your house also looks forward to a break! Those freezing winds, that snow and ice, all of it puts a strain on your home exterior. Even apart from…

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neutral paint colors don't have to be boring

Neutral Paint Colors Don’t Have to Mean a Boring Paint Job

Does the idea of painting your home interior with neutral colors make your Boring Radar start buzzing? Do you start imagining drab corporate boardrooms or bland institutional hallways? That doesn’t need to be the case! There are good reasons to use neutral colors in your interior painting, but that doesn’t mean your house is going…

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painting a residence in Rye

How to Spot a Great Interior Paint Job

From a distance, a great paint job might not look too different from a mediocre one. However, once you get close and you know what to look for, the differences are clear. It shows up in the details and in the over-all effect created by the interior paint job. Once you begin paying attention and…

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